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AIM "PICS FROM VALENTINES " virus Tech Talk. He clicked the following in someone's away message and now has the same thing in his and can't get ride of
AIM Hacking [Archive] - Web Hosting Talk
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 4 Apr 2005I got a virus /trojan or something from a link in one of my buddys like " Valentines day pictures". it was making an away message with the
Valentines Day Trojan - Warrior Nation Network
6 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 14 Feb 2005 Valentines Day Trojan Neutral Grounds. and your away message as something like "Valentines Pics, click here" The url redirects you to a >> Icons >> Special Days
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You should be alerted during the next days : Do not open any message with an attached file called : " Invitation " regardless of who sent it . It is a virus
Aim Away Message Virus Valentines Day
31 Jan 2010 [Archive] New Valentine's Day AIM virus ? Off Topic. I sent an IM to one of my buddies and this away message came up: PICS FROM VALENTINES
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14 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 15 Feb 2005My son saw the Valentine's link and clicked - his virus scanner .... www. aim - away - message - virus /13777.html
Aim Virus Pics From Valentines
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35 posts - 21 authors - Last post: 7 Oct 2005link in the away message , linking to some kind Virus from AIM ( Valentines day pics ) now cant use regedit
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16 Dec 2010 Virus from AIM ( Valentines day pics ) now cant use regedit 2005It says the following in an away message that it randomly pops up on AIM
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